I run.
Not very fast, but I do run.
Some of the reasons I run are health-related:
I run because I used to have such bad asthma I couldn't walk up the stairs without using an inhaler.
I run because it keeps me fit and gives me the illusion that I'm controlling my weight.
I run because it's a cheap form of therapy and helps me clear my head and think my thoughts.
Some of the reasons I run are humanity-related:
I try to share my time with programs like Achilles Kids and Girls on the Run, to help promote a healthy habit and instill a sense of pride and self-worth.
I run to raise money for organizations like The Fresh Air Fund and Outward Bound.
But most of the reasons I run are food-related:
I run because I really wanted another piece of [cake, pizza, etc.]
I run because I figured it would be easier to do another marathon than to stop eating as if I was training for one.
And, of course, I run for the brunch.